Archive for the 'Sharing + Organizing' Category

PARK(ing) Day, 2013

January 18, 2014

Yes, I realize the timing is a bit…late, but I thought I’d document just the same. In 2012 our PARK(ing) Day was in SouthEnd, adjacent to a popular Friday Food Truck rally. This year we aimed for NoDa, a neighborhood known for it’s artsy nature. We set up shop using local resources, of course! A tire place around the corner on 36th graciously let us borrow the tires for a few hours and the train tracks were a host of marvelous branches we painted and used for street trees. And, yes, you might ask, a few of those painted trees do live on as a decoration to a neighboring apartment door.

We set up a temporary tattoo parlor…yes, temporary tattoos, and temporarily set up. It was a huge hit, and a great way to break down the invisible barriers between strangers. This is my favorite part of the event – talking to those just walking by, often with confused expressions – which, of course, gives me a perfect segway into a conversation, explaining the oddities that are occurring where cars normally do. I liked the phrase that came up, “Park your butt, not your Buick.” We chose this street because there is a void of sitting space, especially as the narrow sidewalks crowd with concert-goers and the like. One 20 foot parking space can go a long way for creating new conversations, hearing stories, and enjoying the street life.

We had a “wishing tree” where people could hang their neighborhood wishes. Not Just Coffee and Smelly Cat were kind enough to donate/let us borrow some coffee bean bags. We had games, tattoos, and just a place to sit while you waited for your cab.




Also a good space for picnics…

IMG_6895 IMG_6891 IMG_6864 IMG_6901 IMG_6892 IMG_6913 IMG_6875 IMG_6905 IMG_6882 IMG_6874

And just when we packed up the last of the materials. Filled again. And how dead the space seems once more.

And just when we packed up the last of the materials. Filled again. And how dead the space seems once more.

Job searching and future opportunities

March 1, 2013

I graduate in May. You’ve probably met me, and I have probably directed you to this website.  I am going to be shameless put my portfolio and resume here, in hopes it will be an easy way to get to know me and to see my work.

Click to view my 2013 short portfolio. Here is the link to view a quick view of my thesis portfolio.

Here is my resume in the pdf version: KeihlyMoore_Resume2013_web

Clickable version that gets bigger:


Helping your memory, and your eyes

November 16, 2011

Who says you can’t have cheat-sheets to jog your memory for codes and such?

My dad was giving a presentation in front of the NC State Park coordinators and related folks and asked me to make a card (business card sized) to help explain the main accessibility components related to access. His passion is in accessibility and highlighting the areas to be improved. Instead of just showing the numbers, why not do a little drawing? After all, it’s much more fun to look at.

front of the card

Front of the accessibility card.


Back of the card - where the code measures come in.

I think this little card is pretty effective, and he just confirmed that it was after his meeting just the other day.

What other things could we do to make our lives easier, and more fun to understand and remember?

Saving a (bicycle) life

October 24, 2011

The note

Did it work?

So the other week at the APA-NC planning conference there was a bicycle parked in Uptown and I noticed that I could take the beefy lock right off the of the seat…it was clearly a poorly designed locking strategy. And because it’s always  not fun to lose your possessions…I decided to write a little note. Perhaps this cyclist thought they were foolin? I started the note off: “dear awesome cyclist” hoping not to strike a lecture-y cord. I was going for the friendly-reminder/suggestive approach. And then there is the issue of where to put the note so that someone else who is in more need of a bicycle than I wouldnt read and take the hint…I hope this rolled approach was effective…

I always get a kick of writing random/anonymous notes in public 🙂 Hopefully it made a (positive difference) in their day.

Geotagger’s World Atlas

June 16, 2010

Beautiful maps put together by many.

See their Flickr site with more cities….

New York City Geotagged

New York City Geotagged

Michael Pollan – Resources

June 16, 2010

I thought it worthy to connect to another site chalk full of handy and interesting resources – these primarily revolve around food and food issues, but there’s more to the story.

Curious about any or all of the following six topics Pollan writes on? Sustainable Eating & Nutrition, Growing Food, Politics & Policy, Animal Welfare, Journalism & Writing, and For Parents & Kids – then this site is for you.

Check it out:

Pachube – connecting, measuring, mapping

June 3, 2010

I have yet to use it, but I’m excited to. Pachube is a way to “store, share & discover realtime sensor, energy and environment data from objects, devices & buildings around the world. Pachube is a convenient, secure & scalable platform that helps you connect to & build the ‘internet of things'”

It’s basically a site that manages datapoints, graphing monitoring, sharing, collecting.

For example, a few things that can be mapped are : mood, emissions, fuel, cost, watts, temperature…

Goodreads – keeping track

June 3, 2010

Recently I’ve been feeling a need to better categorize and catalog all the ideas, thoughts, resources, and references I’ve been collecting by hand in my right-hand-man sketchbooks.

So, this is an effort to start keeping track with a hard-copy (esque) version of all my books-to-read and books-read. We’ll see how long it lasts. I hope that I can get inspired from others posting, and I hope the sharing of my resources impacts others just as much!

It is a little daunting how long my “to-read” list is – but at the same time it’s rather exciting – much fun to come!

Check out my books:
